Eliminate Pain and Speed up Your Healing with Quantum Touch Energy Healing.
With Quantum Touch resonance and entertainment we can raise our vibration to eliminate pain, speed up healing, and other positive manifestations.
With Quantum Touch you can
In this two-day workshop, you'll learn all about the Quantum Touch® Level 1 techniques. Ordinary people develop a real sense of confidence that they can truly help others, while experienced practitioners find that their skills significantly deepen. Before lunch on the first day, you will have sessions with each other and will see even beginners move bones into proper alignment. You'll take home skills which will enable you to ease stress, reduce pain, and facilitate healing for yourself and others. You'll be able to help your animal friends with Quantum-Touch as well. It's so easy, even children can learn it. It's so effective, it's used by professional healers.Quantum Touch naturally enhances Reiki, qigong, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, etc.
Our natural and innate potential to help others is extraordinary and extraordinary techniques are extraordinarily simple to learn. Wear comfortable clothing. Water, tea, and snacks can be provided. Please be considerate of other attendees and arrive on time. You will not want to miss a thing! Check your local country for the pre-registration price. Pre-register 21 days in advance and save! Repeat live basic students are always welcome at half price of the full price. Hours may be used to Quantum Touch Practitioner & Instructor Certification.
For Distance Healing, please see the Distance Healing page for more details and to Book Your Session.
Click Here
To learn how to do Quantum Touch Level 1 Energy Healing!
The original Quantum Touch Workshop Online, $97 US
Richard Gordon, Becoming More - February 2024
Henri Rand Furgiuele, M.A. Self Created Health - May 2024